I know its possible and quite simple - @internalsoul usually helps with these 
I want to host a presale lander on my wordpress domain, collect email addresses and pass the user off to an affiliate offer thats in the same niche as the list I am building.
Kind of like content locking, but I want the data.
I am new to WP, whats the best and slickest way to grab the emails and pass them on.
I saw in mailchimp that you after sign up, you can send them to a thankyou page which can be defined, but would rather a shorter flow.
Hit the page, enter email and then passed to aff page.
I want to host a presale lander on my wordpress domain, collect email addresses and pass the user off to an affiliate offer thats in the same niche as the list I am building.
Kind of like content locking, but I want the data.
I am new to WP, whats the best and slickest way to grab the emails and pass them on.
I saw in mailchimp that you after sign up, you can send them to a thankyou page which can be defined, but would rather a shorter flow.
Hit the page, enter email and then passed to aff page.